Peterborough Citizens Advice extends the network
Peterborough Citizens Advice recently held a Partner Networking Event to highlight the benefits of its successful partnership with Refernet to the CAB’s partner advice agencies.
Citizens Advice Peterborough‘s Communications Officer June Campbell explains that Refernet has been running successfully at Peterborough CAB for over 5 years, delivering conclusive referrals with supporting data. “During that time we’ve seen a four fold increase in online referrals. However, while agencies refer in to us they do not cross-refer, which is what we would like them to do.”
“We decided to organize a partner agency networking event, bringing together our partner agencies with a view to encouraging them to get to know and understand one-another, as well as thinking about using Refernet rather than signposting to one-another as they currently do.”
“We also invited some of the agencies that we would really like to join our Refernet network, some who have been rather reticent for one reason or another, plus representatives from the local councils and NHS.”
Refernet is a unique, secure, online referral management system that’s been developed in association with Citizens Advice to provide secure communication between partners, offering external agencies and organisations a fool-proofed method of referring their clients. It will complement existing case management tools or act as a simple case management system in it’s own right. It is both extremely easy-to-use and affordable.
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